Going For A Dip In Detroit

By mousa

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Going For A Dip In Detroit

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When it comes to Detroit real estate renovation, it is a rare find to acquire a building that has not only stood the test of time, but is still in relatively good shape. Additionally, what about those with unique features such as swimming pools? Many old buildings that had pool houses have been filled and moved on, due to the large costs that come with keeping an indoor pool safe and functional. Below are a few of the most iconic pools in Detroit, and some of these you can even visit today!

  • Brewster Wheeler Recreation Center – This sports hall that has been mostly known for its boxing center opened in the late 1920’s with a swimming pool intact. Brewster Center closed its doors at the break of the 2000’s, and deteriorated greatly. However, the city of Detroit has begun talks of renovation and potentially reopening this iconic location.
  • Schvitz Health Club – This health club is one of the few true Russian steam rooms that are left to visit across the country. Surprisingly still, this location that was opened in 1930, is still booming today! The pool area is lined with black and white tile, and while not generously large in size, many find its cold waters soothing after a hot steam.
  • Detroit Masonic Temple – When you have a multistory building, do you consider putting a pool on the sixth floor? The Mason’s did! Many have speculated, and it’s true, that there is a half built pool on the sixth floor of the Masonic Temple. Instead of finishing the area, they utilized this space for animal circus training back in the early 1930’s.
  • Detroit Yacht Club – Located in the heart of Belle Isle, the Detroit Yacht Club opened an indoor pool along with its clubhouse in 1922. The pool is massive and is almost 10 feet deep. While you cannot just go for a dive unless you’re a member, this pool is definitely still making waves for residents of the Yacht Club.
  • Detroit Athletic Club – Built in 1915, this pool is potentially the oldest functioning pool in Detroit. Located on the fourth floor of the DAC, this pool once hosted Olympic swimmers, had a track surrounding the perimeter and a second level diving board.

Due to the close proximity to fresh water, Detroit was able to build these swimming pools with little to no thought, especially at the peak of its financial gain. These pre-World War II swimming pools are a testament to Detroit’s innovation and architectural beauty, and we encourage you to visit them if you have the chance!

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