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Detroit Public Schools Get A Fresh Start To The School Year
Life Remodeled has swept the city of Detroit off its’ feet with their generosity and kindness. This ...
More Jobs For Detroit Through Roush Industries Inc.
Over 270 jobs are coming to Metro Detroit, thanks to Roush Industries Inc., and Inzi Controls Detroi...
Water Shutoffs Continue Despite Canada’s Best Efforts
Detroit now has an ally in the water shutoff protest; their Canadian neighbors. Protesters who caugh...
Park Avenue Building In Detroit To Be Demolished
Residents are still trying to get over the recent demolition of the Charlevoix Hotel, near Grand Cir...
Mircoapartments in Detroit
The mantra of modern day Detroit: two old buildings are being renovated into something new. The Shap...
The M-1 Rail Car Project Begins In Detroit
Construction for the M-1 rail streetcar project began on Monday, July 28th, closing off Woodward bet...
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Detroit Real Estate Conflicts With City Numbers By Millions
In an upcoming bankruptcy trial scheduled for mid August, Detroit officials and the Financial Guaran...
Celebrating A 313th Birthday In The “313”
Locals know that the “313” stands for the trademark area code of Detroit, MI. On July 24th, 2014, De...
Canada Brings Water To Those In Detroit Without
Canadian advocates of the protesters currently standing up to Detroit officials showed their support...
Breaking Down The $650 Million Detroit Red Wings Arena
With recent news of the incredible and impressive new Red Wings Arena to hit Midtown Detroit, it has...
Batman & Superman vs. Detroit
Residents, business goers, and tourists got a taste of the recent filming of “Batman vs. Superman: D...
Making Detroit The Employer Of Choice
Over 75,000 jobs in Michigan cannot be filled, in part due to talent, education, and shortages of pe...