21st World Congress Meeting Headed For Detroit

By mousa

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21st World Congress Meeting Headed For Detroit

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The Intelligent Transportation Society of America has chosen their location for the 21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, and Detroit has won the race! Between September 7th – 11th, Detroit will host this massive event, located at Cobo Hall, for over 10,000 innovators in transportation across the globe.

The automakers of Detroit are geared up and ready to showcase Detroit as the transportation hub of the world. New technologies, demonstrations, and discussions will be held on a level that the Auto Show cannot compare to.

The happenings of this event is outlined below.

Sunday, September 7th: A roundtable meeting will be held by policymakers at 2:30 pm, following with the Opening Reception Ceremony at 4 pm. GM’s CEO Mary Barra is the keynote speaker for this day’s events, and will discuss the changes in transportation around the globe, the increase in technology, and how it applies to motor vehicles.

Monday, September 8th: Starting at 8:30 am, Ford’s Executive Chairman, Bill Ford and Editor of Fast Company Magazine, Robert Safian, will be the keynote speakers for the day. A ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled at Belle Isle at 11 am, and will host over 200 companies and demonstrations on several technology feats that have occurred recently. Head over to Cobo Hall for the remainder of the day, to see more interactive exhibits from both local and global companies, on their transportation efforts. The day will end with a Exhibitors Reception, starting at 4:30 pm.

Tuesday, September 9th: Starting at 7:30 am, the ITS board and officials will go over their plans, innovations, and future technologies that have been brought to light over the recent years. Likewise, awards and recognition for outstanding technological achievements will be issued at this time. Verizon Communications CEO, Lowell McAdam, will be the keynote speaker for the day. The day will then showcase the achievements of Michigan, through demonstrations by the Belle Isle Emergency Responders, Michigan DOT, and ITS Michigan.

Wednesday, September 10th: The Youth Connections Showcase will make light on Wednesday, showcasing the young talent around Michigan. The ITS will also host a reception for their investors, to discuss the future plans for emerging companies and startups that are making headlines across the globe. The biggest networking meeting of this event will also be held in the evening, at 6 pm, with a Gala showcasing the beauty of Detroit.

Thursday, September 11th: As the final day of the event, take the time to visit all 250 companies that are showcasing their technologies and achievements in transportation at Cobo Hall. The closing ceremonies will start at 3:30 pm, and will give an overview on the event’s revaluations.

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